It’s time to create buzz about your biz

At Embers Media we are dedicated to helping brands in outdoor, lifestyle and tourism industries grow in authentic and sustainable ways.

Explore the marketing services below.

Public Relations

  • PR strategy involves crafting and disseminating compelling narratives to build a positive image for your brand and manage public perception. We integrate media relations, content creation, and stakeholder engagement to achieve our strategic communication goals.

  • Embers Media encompasses strategic planning and the execution of activities designed to create buzz and generate media coverage around a new product or service your brand has to offer. We craft press releases, organize launch events, and leverage various communication channels to reach your target audiences. Your products will do better on the market with a strong launch and story to support it.

  • It’s all about how every customer views, relates to, connects with, and interacts with your business and product. We work to build awareness around your brand. Whether it’s a new product launch, customer success story, campaign, event or brand initiative we will are here to support you.

  • Through written communication and releases distributed to the media we announce newsworthy information about your company, product, or an upcoming event. This serves as a formal statement that provides journalists with essential details that encourages them to report on the subject in a positive way that serves your brand. Through press releases Embers Media helps create positive and truth buzz about your company.

  • Where and how do you want to position your brand regarding the market and audience? Let’s partner with athletes, local initiatives, or sister brands to put your company in a new light. Whether it is PR or comms, we can help you strengthen your brand.

  • Having partnered with many outdoor brands, it has become evident that athlete and influencer programs build interest and trust between customers and brands. By living authentically and using your products in their everyday adventures, athletes relate and connect with customers more deeply.

  • Storytelling has shown to be one of the most substantial ways to create buzz about your brand and gain new customers. People connect and relate to stories more than ever before. Whether the story is shared in print or digitally, Embers has your back. While maintaining your brand’s voice and lexicon, we leverage storytelling to breathe life into your campaign and capture customers.

  • During media trips we invite journalists and influencers to experience your company's product or services firsthand. This fosters positive media coverage and authentic reviews. Before attending a trade show, Embers Media plans and executes strategies that maximize your brand’s presence at industry events. We love to generate buzz, attract attention, and connect with key stakeholders.

PR Strategy

Press Releases

Product Launches

Brand Strategy

Media Trips & Trade Show Support

Event Planning & Management

Brand Partnerships


PR Strategy • Press Releases • Product Launches • Brand Strategy • Media Trips & Trade Show Support • Event Planning & Management • Brand Partnerships • Exposure •

Communication Strategy

Communication Audits

Brand Positioning​

Go-to-Market Plans

Channel Audits

External Communication

Internal Messaging Development

Strategic Partnerships

Community Management & Development

Communication Audits • Brand Positioning​ • Go-to-Market Plans • Channel Audits • External Communication • Internal Messaging Development • Strategic Partnerships • Community Management & Development •

communication strategy
  • By analyzing your communications both internally and externally, we can strengthen your voice in messages. How do you speak with your stakeholders and shareholders? Is that different from your internal and external communications?

    Embers can dive deeply into your social channels, website, and other public-facing aspects of your business to create authenticity and alignment in your messaging.

  • With a plan to bring a new product or service to market, your business may be able to take advantage of ample opportunities. By crafting a comms strategy, we can help you capitalize on all fronts. Let’s build a plan from start to finish to get the word out about your brand.

  • Whether it is an influencer partnership, a local story, or an event, Embers can help you plan, develop, and manage your relationship with the community. Reaching out to the people through local events and partnerships can bring your brand to the next level.

  • While maintaining your brand’s voice and lexicon, we leverage storytelling to breathe life into your campaign.

  • To maintain brand consistency and communication, Embers Media can support your business by streamlining communication with your employees. How do you communicate crises internally? How does that differ from your external crisis communication? How do you motivate and get them on board with a new initiative? How do you communicate with the greater population regarding customers or media?

  • Where and how do you want to position your brand regarding the market and audience? Let’s partner with athletes, local initiatives, or sister brands to put your company in a new light. Whether it is PR or comms, we can help you strengthen your brand.

  • Sometimes communicating can be challenging, but for our copywriters, word smiths, and editors- it is their strong suit. Captivating words is essential when it comes to digital media. Proper word choice is a must in storytelling, communication, and marketing.

Digital Media

Digital Strategy

Brand Storytelling

Brand Influence

Digital Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Audience Engagement

Digital Strategy • Brand Storytelling • Brand Influence • Digital Marketing • Affiliate Marketing • Audience Engagement •

  • Programmatic CTV (Connected TV) is an automated ad buying method that enables precise targeting of ads on streaming TV platforms, delivering personalized video content to viewers and increasing the efficiency of ad spend. Although cable television is going out of style, Embers Media leverages their connections with streaming platforms to reach your customers no matter where they are.

    Programmatic display and OLV (Online Video) refers to automated buying and placement of display and video ads across websites and platforms. We connect with advertisers to reach your audience with tailored content while optimizing your campaigns for better results.

  • Using data and analytics, we predict future trends, performance, and your audience’s behavior. This serves as a foundation for shaping a growth strategy for your brand. By analyzing these forecasts, Embers can make informed decisions on investments, content creation, and marketing tactics. With this information and proper strategy, we are enabled to drive sustainable growth in the digital media landscape that best serves your brand.

  • By examining your user’s behavior and demographics, we gain insights into customer preferences, needs, and purchasing patterns. By utilizing data analytics and profiling, Embers tailors our digital marketing efforts to engage and convert your target audience more effectively.

  • Social Media Advertising (SMA), utilizes paid advertising on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a your targeted audience, increasing your brand’s visibility and overall engagement.

    SEM (Search Engine Marketing) complements this strategy by using paid search advertising on platforms like Google Ads to actively capture your potential customers while they search for relevant products or services. Through these actions Embers will help drive traffic directly to your brand.

  • Embers Media focuses on leveraging data-driven approaches that optimize advertising campaigns and achieve measurable outcomes for your brand. Such as increased conversions and return on investment. This strategy involves us continuously monitoring and adjustment of digital advertising efforts to ensure cost-effective and results-oriented marketing for your brand.

    We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.

  • As paper ads are losing importance, email marketing is a powerful and easy way to share new products, initiatives, and sales. With captivating copy and beautiful photos, we connect with customers through their inbox.

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